When you have the business knowledge, relationships, and expertise to do your job well, it’s easy to get comfortable and resist breaking out of your comfort zone. But to be an effective leader, that’s exactly what you need to do.
Successful leaders have a unique ability to get comfortable being uncomfortable, maintaining a sense of urgency about making a difference. They know what it takes to overcome obstacles and recognize when it’s time to apply their experience and expertise to a new challenge.
This certainly isn’t for the faint of heart. Each time you make a big change in your career, you embrace a significant learning curve. While it can feel uncertain, you also bring incredible knowledge and experience from your past roles that serve you in the new one. I’ve been in that position so many times in my career that I’ve lost count, but I’ve learned that is precisely where the magic happens.
When you choose to embrace a new challenge, you’ll open up a world of possibility for yourself and your teams. You’ll never learn more than when you’re put into a new situation and need to figure things out in real time. You’ll also build meaningful relationships and develop a curiosity that will propel you where you’re meant to go.
How will you know when you’re ready? You probably won’t! Every time I’ve taken on a big new role, my leader saw I was ready before I did. Depending on where you are in your career, also keep in mind that growth isn’t always about a promotion or taking on more responsibility. You may want to try something different, learn new skills, or forge new relationships. Regardless of the specifics, you have an incredible opportunity to seek valuable feedback, challenge the status quo, and go beyond your assigned tasks to provide value.
So, once you’re ready to take on something new, how should you approach it?
Challenge assumptions Capitalize on the new perspective and fresh set of eyes you bring to your new role. Ask hard questions and encourage others to do the same. Create an environment where challenging the norm is both expected and celebrated. But also take time to learn from those around you. As a new leader, this is the time to do more listening than talking as you get up to speed and learn from your team.
Expect the unexpected Let go of your assumptions and get ready to be flexible. It won’t always be easy, but when you embrace uncertainty with an open mind and eagerness, the path forward becomes easier to navigate. This is how you cultivate resilience.
Lead by example As a new leader for your team, demonstrate behaviors that support change, embrace discomfort, and drive ingenuity. From day one, encourage others to speak up and build an inclusive environment where all voices are heard. Be transparent in your own discomfort and show others how to overcome those uncomfortable feelings. Remember: the greatest successes come from the collective efforts of a thoughtful, creative, and inclusive team.
If you lead a team, keep an eye out for team members who may be ready for more, just like you were before you took this new role. The most effective leaders can recognize potential in their people and help foster professional growth in a variety of ways, such as stretch assignments, job shadowing and mentorship, and informal or temporary opportunities.
And if you’re not leading a team but taking on a new role, remember your ability to lead through influence. Some of the greatest leaders I’ve seen in my career are those without formal authority but who know how to bring people along to get things done from where they sit. It’s inspiring and a great reminder that everyone can be a leader if they choose to be.
As I reflect on my career, I realize that getting comfortable being uncomfortable has served me better than almost any other leadership attribute. When I’ve had moments of uncertainty, I’ve relied on my transferrable leadership and fresh perspective to ask questions and make meaningful change. If it’s worked in the past, it’ll work again in the future.
As we all emerge to what will be “new,” getting comfortable with whatever it brings will be a huge advantage for growth, learning and adventure. If you’re like me, you’ll look back 6-12 months after embracing change and be incredibly grateful that you took a chance on yourself, pushed through the uncertainty, and took your career to the next level.